Tuesday, February 8, 2011

when it comes to the question


I have noticed that a lot of teens HATE being single. There's nothing wrong with wanting to find a person that you care about and have things in common with, but the fact that they just hate being alone kind of bothers me. It seems like as long as they can have fun together and they both think that Family Guy is funny, they think that they are in love, and I don't understand it.

So my question is, why would u (especially girls) want to be with someone like this? It seems like most girls just want someone to love them and tell them they are special. What are your opinions?



 "Almost all teens have a need for acceptance and having a partner that is just like you just makes them feel less alone.."

"Because the media, movies, films, television, you name it, the entire media is telling us each and everyday that we must have love and be dating during our teen years."

"Peer pressure the feeling everyone else has one.
The saying teen love.

Feeling of adulthood."

P.S. "love is unpredictable sometimes"

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